Friday, August 27, 2010

Completely Shameless Plug

Okies, I know I don't do this very often, but hey, I have a release coming up! (two if you count Tuesday's paperback release of The Shifter)

I'm in the process of putting together a little blog tour for October. I know a lot of my readers also have blogs, and I figured this was a great way for us to help each other and do some networking together. So if you're interested (or willing) to allow me to guest post on your blog one day in October to help me promote and celebrate the release of Blue Fire, drop me a note at janice (at) janicehardy (dot) com. Any support would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Oh, quick addition... some of my regular commenters were sweeties and supported me last year. I tried to contact you this year and either can't find your emails or didn't see a contact on your blogs. So if I don't contact you, it's not because I don't care! Although it is a good way to get out of this if you don't want me pestering you (grin).


  1. I'd love to have you guest post on my blog! Maybe mention a little about blog tours in general? So much nicer than driving around to bookstore signings where 3 people show up. I have a lot of older readers who aren't up on the whole blogosphere thing who would love to hear about it.

    Major congrats on BLUE FIRE (and the paperback release of THE SHIFTER too.)

  2. Thanks so much, Anne! email me and we'll set something up.

  3. I'd love to host you on my blog.

    ellestraussbooks at gmail dot com

  4. I didn't realize you meant that you would guest-post on someone else's blog until Anne's comment. :P But I'd also love it if you guest-posted on my blog. I'll e-mail you. :)

  5. Thanks guys! Brittany, I fixed it so it's mote clear :)

  6. You're welcome at TalkToYoUniverse also. Of course!

  7. Just let me know when, and Second Star to the Right will be yours.

  8. I'd love to host you. You can email me at:

  9. I'd love to host you too!

  10. I don't have a blog or I'd LOVE to host you.
    But here are a few you might want to check into:

    Fantastic Book Review

    The Enchanted Inkpot

    Market My Words if you focus on marketing

    Adventures in Children's Publishing-they follow your blog and have a Wednesday series on people's road t publication.

    The Story Siren

    Post as you blog tour so we can follow you. Hope this helps.

  11. Thanks Natalie! I'll be visiting Enchanted Inkpot, but the others I haven't talked to yet. I'll give them a try.
