Readers pay attention when they don't know what's coming next.
When someone asks, "What's a story with a great plot twist?" your mind probably conjures one of the classics. Soylent Green. The Sixth Sense. Fight Club. The Lottery. Even Newhart.
You no doubt have your favorites. Stories that shifted and turned and blew your mind.
A great plot twist is a wonderful thing, be it in the books you write or the ones you read. Readers revel in that unexpected event or revelation that changes everything they thought they knew and takes the story to a whole new level. They delight in the surprises that make them think, "wow, that was awesome. I never saw that coming." (And then they tell all their friends).
Trouble is, knowing you want a plot twist is a lot easier than coming up with a good one.
There's no formula for devising a great twist, because every plot is different and any number of things can work in a novel.
My trick for twisting my plot is pretty simple:
It's usually obvious what's going to happen in a novel in a general sense. A protagonist gets caught, but she escapes. A dire threat is made, but the characters find ways to avoid it. The protagonist's life is in grave danger, but he finds a way out of it. It's exciting, yes, but overcoming the obstacle before them is a protagonist's job, and readers expect them to win.
Readers also know certain things won't happen (like the protagonist dying) no matter how much you dangle a threat over their heads, because the story would stop dead if it did. As high as the stakes seem on paper, they're really false stakes if there's no chance they'll actually happen.
This is where the tricky thinking comes in.
I start by what I'd expect if I were reading my book. What paths are clear, what plots are unavoidable. What is the most obvious path or outcome for the scene. Once I get the most likely options out of the way, then I can dig deeper and find the solutions readers won't see coming.
If you outline, check and see if you're building predictability into it.
Sometimes I inadvertently plan predictability in my outline, with lines such as, "Nya breaks friends out of jail and escapes." Right there, I've flat out stated what readers will expect to happen because that's what is going to happen. Odds are every reader will assume Nya will win in this scene.
Which gives me the perfect spot to defy reader expectations. Instead of breaking her friends out, or even failing and getting caught (the next most likely scenario), I consider what else might happen:
Look at your scenes and pinpoint the obvious outcomes—even if they're exciting and wonderful and do all the things a good scene should do—and determine if the scene is too predictable. Is there a possible twist there?
(Here's more with The Difference Between Tricking Your Reader and Surprising Your Reader)
Once you have some candidates:
Let your imagination run free and see what you can come up with. What is the most obvious thing to do in that scene? Scrap that idea.
My trick for twisting my plot is pretty simple:
Defy the reader's expectations.
It's usually obvious what's going to happen in a novel in a general sense. A protagonist gets caught, but she escapes. A dire threat is made, but the characters find ways to avoid it. The protagonist's life is in grave danger, but he finds a way out of it. It's exciting, yes, but overcoming the obstacle before them is a protagonist's job, and readers expect them to win.
Readers also know certain things won't happen (like the protagonist dying) no matter how much you dangle a threat over their heads, because the story would stop dead if it did. As high as the stakes seem on paper, they're really false stakes if there's no chance they'll actually happen.
This is where the tricky thinking comes in.
Give readers what they expect, but not in the way they expect it.
I start by what I'd expect if I were reading my book. What paths are clear, what plots are unavoidable. What is the most obvious path or outcome for the scene. Once I get the most likely options out of the way, then I can dig deeper and find the solutions readers won't see coming.
If you outline, check and see if you're building predictability into it.
Sometimes I inadvertently plan predictability in my outline, with lines such as, "Nya breaks friends out of jail and escapes." Right there, I've flat out stated what readers will expect to happen because that's what is going to happen. Odds are every reader will assume Nya will win in this scene.
Which gives me the perfect spot to defy reader expectations. Instead of breaking her friends out, or even failing and getting caught (the next most likely scenario), I consider what else might happen:
- Could Nya only save half?
- Could Nya discover someone unexpected in the jail?
- Are her friends not there after all?
- Was this a trap by her "so-called friends" to capture her?
Look at your scenes and pinpoint the obvious outcomes—even if they're exciting and wonderful and do all the things a good scene should do—and determine if the scene is too predictable. Is there a possible twist there?
(Here's more with The Difference Between Tricking Your Reader and Surprising Your Reader)
Once you have some candidates:
Brainstorm for the Unexpected
Let your imagination run free and see what you can come up with. What is the most obvious thing to do in that scene? Scrap that idea.
Now what's the least likely thing to happen? Most times, you can scrap that idea, too, because it's so far off in left field it won't work for the book. But it usually loosens your brain enough that you start thinking about things that are unexpected, but no so far off.
Don't think about practicality at this point, such as, "What works for my existing plot." That can hinder your creativity and keep you from coming up with great ideas. When something grabs you, start exploring how it fits into your scene and overall plot.
Don't think about practicality at this point, such as, "What works for my existing plot." That can hinder your creativity and keep you from coming up with great ideas. When something grabs you, start exploring how it fits into your scene and overall plot.
Don't discard something because it doesn't fit or would require a lot of revisions—let it simmer and see if a great twist develops from it. A twist is a surprise, and if it was an obvious fit, odds are it wouldn't be a twist.
(Here's more with How to Sneak Clues Past Your Readers and Keep Them Guessing)
A twist doesn't have to come from the plot. You can also surprise readers by revealing information that ties into the problem and affects that plot. You may have your protagonist resolve this issue exactly as the reader expects, but that's not at all what's really going on.
(Here's more with How to Sneak Clues Past Your Readers and Keep Them Guessing)
Reveal a Secret
A twist doesn't have to come from the plot. You can also surprise readers by revealing information that ties into the problem and affects that plot. You may have your protagonist resolve this issue exactly as the reader expects, but that's not at all what's really going on.
Secrets are rich areas to look for twists, because it changes character motivations and can send a story in a whole new direction. A major reveal can blow readers' minds and change how they understand the entire story.
(Here's more on The Joy of Discovery: Keeping Readers Hooked Through Story Revelations)
Ask the delightful, "what's the worst that can happen?" question on a variety of levels. What's the worst thing...
(Here's more on The Joy of Discovery: Keeping Readers Hooked Through Story Revelations)
Make it Worse
Ask the delightful, "what's the worst that can happen?" question on a variety of levels. What's the worst thing...
- For the scene?
- For the current goal?
- For the protagonist's inner goal?
- For the protagonist's flaw or weakness?
- For a secondary character that's important to the protagonist?
- For the antagonist?
Put on your evil hat and brainstorm all the ways can you rip your protagonist apart emotionally as well as physically.
(Here's more on Plotting for the Thrill: Making the Most of the Worst That Can Happen)
Just like secrets, lies are a fantastic way to twist the story and set up shocking reveals and situations. Exposing a character who's been lying all book will force readers to reevaluate everything they thought they knew. Even if they're right, they'll doubt it, which makes the entire story more unpredictable.
(Here's more on Plotting for the Thrill: Making the Most of the Worst That Can Happen)
Expose a Liar
Just like secrets, lies are a fantastic way to twist the story and set up shocking reveals and situations. Exposing a character who's been lying all book will force readers to reevaluate everything they thought they knew. Even if they're right, they'll doubt it, which makes the entire story more unpredictable.
Is anyone not who the reader thinks they are? An unexpected betrayal can surprise the reader and change expectations. Or someone who's been lying about information the protagonist thought was reliable. Or maybe the protagonist has been lying and is finally forced to fess up.
Lies don't have to be for nefarious reasons either—a lie told with good intentions can be just as effective.
(Here's more on How Could You Do This to Me? When Characters Betray Other Characters)
It doesn't happen often, but you can let the bad guy win. Everything the protagonist has been fighting for is gone and now they have to regroup and find a way to go on. This is an extra sticky choice, though, because it's easy to make your reader feel like everything they just read was pointless.
(Here's more on How Could You Do This to Me? When Characters Betray Other Characters)
Let the Protagonist Lose
It doesn't happen often, but you can let the bad guy win. Everything the protagonist has been fighting for is gone and now they have to regroup and find a way to go on. This is an extra sticky choice, though, because it's easy to make your reader feel like everything they just read was pointless.
Make sure that even when you let the protagonist lose, what they went through to get there still has meaning and wasn't a waste of the reader's time.
(Here's more with Do You Suffer From NWS?: Living With Nice Writer Syndrome)
Readers remember the books that evoke strong emotions. A shocking twist is one way to give those emotions a hard yank.
Bonus tip: Ask your friends or critique partners what they think would happen next in X situation. Cross off anything they say that's on your list of options.
Then do what they won't expect.
What are some of your favorite plot twists?
*Originally published June 2011. Last updated January 2025.
For more help on plotting or writing a novel check out my Plotting Your Novel: Ideas and Structure.
Go step-by-step through plotting and writing a novel. Learn how to find and develop ideas, brainstorm stories from that first spark of inspiration, develop the right characters, setting, plots and subplots, as well as teach you how to identify where your novel fits in the market, and if your idea has what it takes to be a series.
With clear and easy-to-understand examples, Plotting Your Novel: Ideas and Structure offers ten self-guided workshops with more than 100 different exercises to help you craft a solid novel. Learn how to:
Available in paperback and ebook formats.
Janice Hardy is the award-winning author of the teen fantasy trilogy The Healing Wars, including The Shifter, Blue Fire, and Darkfall from Balzer+Bray/Harper Collins. The Shifter, was chosen for the 2014 list of "Ten Books All Young Georgians Should Read" from the Georgia Center for the Book.
She also writes the Grace Harper urban fantasy series for adults under the name, J.T. Hardy.
When she's not writing novels, she's teaching other writers how to improve their craft. She's the founder of Fiction University and has written multiple books on writing.
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What are some of your favorite plot twists?
*Originally published June 2011. Last updated January 2025.
For more help on plotting or writing a novel check out my Plotting Your Novel: Ideas and Structure.
Go step-by-step through plotting and writing a novel. Learn how to find and develop ideas, brainstorm stories from that first spark of inspiration, develop the right characters, setting, plots and subplots, as well as teach you how to identify where your novel fits in the market, and if your idea has what it takes to be a series.
With clear and easy-to-understand examples, Plotting Your Novel: Ideas and Structure offers ten self-guided workshops with more than 100 different exercises to help you craft a solid novel. Learn how to:
- Create compelling characters readers will love
- Choose the right point of view for your story
- Determine the conflicts that will drive your plot (and hook readers!)
- Find the best writing process for your writing style
- Create a solid plot from the spark of your idea
- Craft your one-sentence pitch
- Create your summary hook blurb
- Develop a solid working synopsis And so much more!
Available in paperback and ebook formats.

She also writes the Grace Harper urban fantasy series for adults under the name, J.T. Hardy.
When she's not writing novels, she's teaching other writers how to improve their craft. She's the founder of Fiction University and has written multiple books on writing.
Mmmmm. So much good stuff here to think about. This is a post I will return to again and again. Thank you. I especially like the part about: readers know what will happen but it's our job that it's done in an unexpected fashion. I hadn't thought of it quite like that.
ReplyDeleteGreat article! I need to try mapping out my novel on paper and then identifying sections where I could work in a plot twist.
ReplyDeleteBarbara: Thanks! Readers see a lot of stories, and it occurred to me that if I saw stuff coming others did to. I started looking at plots differently and paid attention to what surprised me and what I expected. Was an interesting exercise.
ReplyDeleteRachel: Notes are a great way to figure stuff out. I have files for every novel so I can see how it works. A good trick for visual folks :)
Being at this stage of outlining, this was the perfect post to see today Janice. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis is some cool advice. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on plot twists.
ReplyDeleteYou're both very welcome.
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff to think about. Thanks for the awesome post.
ReplyDeleteExcellent advice, thanks. I love the advice to just free write ideas down, without censoring ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI like that. I also like to defy expectations but these ideas give me more ideas, which is awesome! I do like me so betrayal and making it the worst because isn't this the most fun you can do in a book after all? I think it is, :)
ReplyDelete"You want to give readers what they expect, but not in the way they expect it." I could not have said it better. You are so right I'm thinking you don't even know how right you are. i mean, obviously you do, but I needed to say that. :D Thanks!
These are some great suggestions. Thanks for a great post!
ReplyDeleteJulie: Sometimes just letting the brain go is exactly what you need to do. Especially if you're stuck because you've been going down one path and it doesn't occur to you to try something totally different.
ReplyDeleteVioleta: Betrayals are a lot of fun :) I think sometimes we get so focused on what we're doing, we don't step back and think about what we could be doing. I had that happen just this morning. I was banging my head against the key board and it dawned on me to look at the bigger picture. Voila! I figured out the twist.
Amanda: Most welcome!
Awesome sight really useful proud and happy to have such people still to help!!
ReplyDeleteI actually need to work on making things less convoluted/twisty. Any advice on that?
ReplyDeleteFor that, I'd suggest starting with your core conflict and how it gets resolved, then work backward to the inciting event. Look for the critical turning points and what absolutely needs to be there. Then pick one subplot that helps illustrate the character arc that will also work as a nice inner conflict to support the core conflict, and add that back on. Then see what's left. Add back anything you feel really needs to be there, get rid of what doesn't.
DeleteIf you keep everything focused on the core conflict, then it's much easier to decide if something is extra or just barely affects that conflict.
Thanks. :-)
DeleteHi Janice
ReplyDeleteGreat post, thanks, lots of good ideas.
I love these lists, because they immediately get me thinking about my current MS. The 'make it worse' one triggered something, which I now have to see about fitting into the story. Exciting stuff! :)
Awesome! Love when that happens, especially with an archived post. Proof that they deserve to be pulled out and dusted off once in a while.
DeletePlot Twists are always a lot of brain work. It's a question of "what If" again and asking that question when all looks like it's going in the right direction. I like the way you suggest revealing a liar or secret. That's something that can be set up with little hints earlier on. Thanks, Sean
ReplyDeleteThey really are, and the best ones always seem to develop by accident, don't they? You just spot the possibilities during a read through or an idea hits ion the shower.
DeleteThanks so much! I'm developing a story for my Manga book
ReplyDeleteand needed new methods for creating twists. Your awesome! ^.^
Oh good, glad it helped just when you needed it. And thanks!
DeleteRemember to avoid the expected unexpected. Basically there are some plot twists that people shouldn't see coming but do. Not always. But sometimes. If you know what I mean. Like darth vader being luke's dad. That was awesome but now people know about it.
ReplyDeleteThere's not much you can do about someone spilling the twist, but it is sad when it happens.
DeleteI'm wondering where in the world you're located, Janice. Are you willing to talk about an event in Worcestershire UK? Festival with not a lot of dosh wanting alternative venue to provide a night's 'special' entertainment... will you reply? Hope so :)
ReplyDeleteI'm way over in the US (Georgia). I'm always open to talking about events, but the UK is a little outside my driving range (grin).
DeleteYou asked about our favorite plot twists and I always recommend Claire McIntosh's debut I Let You Go where the major plot twist at the end of Act I (about p. 75) left me going back to read the book again to spot how she did it.
ReplyDeleteOh cool, I'll have to go check that one out. Thanks!