Saturday, March 27, 2010

We've Got a New Column!

Well, I sent out my first batch of invites to guest blog, and let me say that the response so far has been wonderful. Some fantastic authors lined up in all sorts of genres and forms (novels, short stories and even some non-fiction writers) for the coming months.

The debut post of "How They Do It" will go up April 6th, and it looks like I'll have enough for every other week until at least the summer. And I've barely scratched the surface of authors I know or have some connection to. I'm crossing my fingers that we can coax some of them to come back, too. (and how could they refuse after the warm welcome I know you guys will give them?)

And if you guys have any topics you'd like to see cover, let me know. Everyone's asking what they should write, and the more ideas I have to send their way the better.

This is going to be a fun column!


  1. I'm looking forward to this! Should be really interesting.

  2. Awesome, Janice.
