I'm on the road today, guest posting over at Writers in the Storm. Today, I'm talking about how How Bad Times and New Starts Affect Our Writing, with some tips on getting back into a solid routine and feeling productive. Come on over and say hello!
Here's a peek:
When I sat down to write this post I intended to write about writing. It’s what I love doing, and why folks tend to invite me to guest post on their blogs (which I appreciate). But this came at a time when I’m feeling reflective and optimistically hopeful about the new year after a rough 2016.
For me, it was a year of always being behind (raise your hand if you were here with me). No matter what I tried to do, something came along and knocked my schedule off track and prevented me from getting much done. Ever worse, when I did have time to work, I was unable to write anything decent–if at all. I let the bad times bother me way more than they should have, which only exacerbated the problem.
Because the trap here is…
When we’re stressed, we often gravitate toward the easy tasks that make us feel productive, when the opposite is usually true.
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