Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a great New Year! (And hopefully a much more productive one than I've been this week!) I love the holidays but it'll nice to be back to a regular routine next week. Seems like I can't get anything done this time of year.


  1. Happy New Year! Isn't it a crime to get anything done this time of year?

  2. Janice, I love the cover design for Panverse One. I dig the greenery. I sent a copy of both Panverse and Shifter to my older sister and niece back in Canada. My sister introduced me to hobbits back in the late 70s, so I've been lobbing new sff books back her way ever since. Have yet to find my Tolkien lob. Lazy lobs, Shelob. Lobstrosities? Hmm, I suppose introducing her to Stephen King's The Gunslinger back in the 80s wasn't too bad of a return, eh? Anyway, all the best in 2010.

  3. Eh, who needs to be productive. Happy New Year to you too! :)

  4. And a happy new year to you too, Janice ;)
