Having a literary agent has been one of the major first steps of writers seeking publication for decades. Getting an agent was sometimes harder than getting a publisher, and writers agonized over no one ever taking them on as a client. But in today's changing publishing landscape, many writers are questioning whether pursuing an agent is necessary, or the right path for them. There's no right direction here, it's just what you want for your writing career.
If you choose to go the agent route (still the preferred method for those seeking a traditional publishing path), here is a handy-dandy guide for finding an agent.
Step One: Make a list of potential agents.
Sites like Agent Query and Query Tracker are my two favorites, and have solid lists of agents and what they represent. If you're a hard-copy person, pick up a copy of Writer's Market or The Short Story and Novel Writer's Market, or Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market. The goal here to is write down any agent who fits your genre and market. For example, if you write horror, you'd look for agents who say they represent horror. If you write YA horror, you'd look for agents who say they represent horror as well as young adult.
Step Two: Narrow down the list of agents
Once you have your list of potential agents, you want to make sure they'll all legitimate and worth your time. Anyone can throw up a sign and claim they're an agent. Luckily, there are some fabulous watchdog sites to help writers avoid people trying to take advantage of them.
Take your list of names and cross reference them against Preditors and Editors. This can be time consuming if your list is long, but well worth the effort to avoid bad agents or scammers. Another good site to check is Writers Beware, which will give you a lot of great information and warn you about known scams. Eliminate any agent who shows up with a warning.
Why do this? Imagine having an agent offer to sign you, spend six months or more submitting your novel, only to find out later you're their only client and they've never sold a single thing. Or worse, you get an offer of representation and are then asked to pay all kinds of fees.
Step Three: Research them for compatibility
Now it's time to find the agents who would be the best fit for you and your work. Their listing might say they like and represent science fiction, but if their tastes run to soft sociological sci fi and you write hard military sci fi, odds are they aren't the right agent for you. This takes time and effort to research, but don't skip this part. You want to target your query as best you can. It's okay at this stage if you have multiple agents at the same agency on your list. The goal here is to determine which one is best for you. Look at:
Websites: Check their websites and find out who they represent and what they've sold (not all post a client list, but many do). Look for books that are like yours in some way, be it style, subject matter, tone, voice, etc. If they say they take historical fiction, but there's not a single historical fiction title on their client list, you might consider another agent who has more historical fiction clients (or you could decide you're the perfect writer to fit that gap in their client list).
Blog: If they have a blog, start reading, especially any posts where they talk about the books they like or what they look for in queries. You'll often find posts on their preferences and what they're looking for, and what they don't like to see.
Social Media: More and more agents are tweeting and Facebooking about what hooks them in a query and what they're looking for.
Client Books: The sample feature at online bookstores is a writer's best friend when looking for agents. Pick some books on the agent's client list to get an idea of what kinds of books and writing styles the agent is taking on and selling. Definitely read anything similar to yours, because A) if they liked that, they might also be interested in you, and B) if they have a client who is too similar to your book, it could be a conflict of interest. If you have a choice between agents at the same agency, you might query the one who doesn't have a client with a book similar to yours.
After your research, you'll have a solid list of all possible agents for your book. You could stop right now and start querying, but I'd recommend doing a little more research.
Step Four: Check out their sales
Not all agents list their sales, but enough do to make it worth taking a quick peek to see who's selling what and if those books are like yours. Publishers Marketplace is a good resource for researching sales. You can get their free email newsletter to keep on top of the industry and see a weekly update of recent sales, or for a small monthly subscription fee, you can search their database and find out who has sold what (and often for how much). Even if you only sign up for a month, it's often well worth the investment.
Step Five: Finalize the list
After all your hard work, you'll end up with a solid list of agents targeted to what you write and how you write it. They're all legitimate agents, and offer something you feel will be valuable to you in your quest for publishing. It's time to decide how you want to start sending those queries.
A common system is to break the list into batches, around 8-10 agents per batch. That lets you test your query and gives you the opportunity to fine tune it if you don't get a good response. Of course, you can always send them all out at the same time, or in larger batches, or whatever works for you.
To save you stress later, if you can make a list/spreadsheet of the response times and when to expect to hear from them, do it. Querying can be quite a nerve-wracking experience, and having a date to focus on can help ease those "when will I hear back?" moments--and keep you from constantly checking your mailbox.
Some Things To Remember
There is no "perfect" agent: The best agent for you is the one who loves your work and will work hard to sell it. That isn't always the biggest name or the one with the most sales. A brand-new agent working at a reputable agency might be the perfect person to sell your work and grow your career as they grow theirs. Don't write off an agent just because they're new or young or small. New agents work with established agents, so they have the full weight of their agency behind them.
Query one agent per agency: Many agencies share queries or have one person who reads and sorts them. If the agent you queried doesn't bite, but they think a colleague will be interested, they'll often show that query to another agent.
Be ready to query: Before you query anyone, make sure your novel is the best it can be. You only get one shot here, so don't blow it by querying too soon.
Make sure your query is also the best it can be: Don't spend years writing and polishing your novel, and then dash off your query in an afternoon. Make sure it's just as polished and strong as the novel it represents.
(Here's more on how to write a query letter)
Step Six: Send out the queries
While some agents still accept snail mail queries, odds are you'll be querying by email. Check out how an agent prefers to receive queries, and if they have a query submission form on their website. And above all else--follow their guidelines.
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
It's not uncommon to query and realize you goofed on something. Spelled a name wrong, sent the wrong version of the synopsis, whatever. Don't freak out when this happens. If it's a tiny mistake, don't worry about it. These things happen and agents know it. They won't reject you for it if the novel's hook is good. If it's a bigger mistake, simply send a new query and make it clear that you're correcting the goof. Mistakes happen.
(Here's more on how/when mistakes in our submissions hurt us)
Thoughts on Re-Querying
If your query doesn't get any bites, you'll likely re-work it (or the novel) and resubmit. Basic rule of thumb is to wait one to three months before re-querying an agent (or another agent at the same agency). If an agent gave you feedback and you made those changes, mention that in your new query. It shows you're open to revision and listened to what they had to say.
However, if no significant changes were made to the book and/or the query, odds are it'll get the same response. Make sure a re-query feels like a new book, not just an edited version with the same hook in it. Unless the query was really bad, there's a strong chance the hook is what got the rejection, not the query itself. Do your best to be objective here.
How did/do you search for an agent?
Looking for tips on revising or planning your novel? Check out my newest book Planning Your Novel: Ideas and Structure, a series of self-guided workshops that help you turn your idea into a novel. It's also a great guide for revisions!

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ReplyDeleteIt must be overwhelming to have your debut novel selling so well on Amazon, particularly in the UK. I discovered you on Whatever a few days back. Another great post. I'm a huge Scalzi fan, have been since OMW.
I'm still on the fence: go long, look for an agent, or self-publish with Lightning Source. I've been in contact with a graphic designer and editor in Vancouver, Canada, since early summer. $1400 USD for the cover; $1200 interior layout; $2500 editing. If I go the route of self-publishing, I'm going to be $5,100 in the hole before the book hits Amazon. And with no big publisher behind me, i.e. HarperCollins, I'm not even sure it's worth the investment. I have two books good to go, spent the last four years doing test prints through Lulu Publishing. Two books will cost me over $10,000 USD!
If I go the agent route, I'll more than likely need a pain merchant here in Seoul.
Anyway, you obviously know more about the process than me. I just wanted to say thanks, thanks for looking out for the unsigned, unpublished underdogs. Thanks for the insight.
PS I'm buying your Shifter through www.whatthebook.com in South Korea. I would prefer the UK version, though. Argh!
Have fun up there with the Rowlings and Meyers.
Ronald J. McIsaac
The waiting after the fulls are requested is what kills me. How many fulls did you have requested? How long did you ultimately wait to hear from Kristen?
ReplyDeleteI'm totally intimidated by this process and will probably make a bazillion lists come December/January when I'm at this point. Thanks for the help!
ReplyDeleteI know this is the kind of thing you're only supposed to do once you're sitting on a finished manuscript, but I went and looked up about a dozen agents while I was in the middle of writing my previous 'Oh man this is going to be awesome fame and glory oh wait it kind of sucks' first draft. (Everybody has one of those...right?) Yeah, way more complicated than I would have thought, but a lot of agents are very good about actually telling you what they read and, if you're lucky, what they're particularly interested in reading right now.
ReplyDeleteI really can't imagine how anybody ever did this before the internet. No agent databases? No blogs? No e-mail? Argh.
Thanks Ronald. It has had its overwhelming (and surreal) moments, but also a lot of fun and excitement. I'm a huge pro-agent person, so I'd recommend trying that route vs self publishing. Without some way to market your work, it's just so hard for tell people you even wrote a book. It's a good route for those who already have a network or marketing outlet (like public speakers) and built in readers, not so great otherwise.
ReplyDeleteWith today's technology, it doesn't matter where you are. You can query agents from all over the world. You can also try small presses, as many of those take unagented submission. There are options out there besides the self pub route.
Caroline, that wait is indeed brutal. I had four full requests, and it took ten days from pitching to singing with Kristin. Incredibly fast. It no doubt would have taken longer with Kristin, but when I got back from the conference where I pitched her, I had an offer of representation waiting in my email from another agent, and that kinda lit a fire under her. But the entire query process for this book was about six weeks total. When things happen, they can happen fast, which is why you always want to be ready when you start submitting. You never know how it'll turn out.
List are good, Donna. That's what I did (and still do). I'd be lost without my various lists.
Varelsee, I started research agents while I was writing Shifter, so you don't have to wait. Just make sure you're ready before sending stuff out, and don't let that list tempt you into jumping the gun.
It used to be so hard to query! I remember highlighting the writer's market books, flipping back and forth between the index and the listing and those little icons that said who was looking for clients and who wasn't. Trying to find any info on them at all. All those packages and stamps! So much better now!
Nice post! Thanks for providing structure to the process.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
ReplyDeleteMost welcome. It can be overwhelming if you don't know where to start. I've already done the work, so I might as well share!
ReplyDeleteThis is great. I just blogged about the same topic on my blog, but you add some additional pointers so I'm going to go back and link your page. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteConsider tthis post: http://kriswrites.com/2015/01/28/business-musings-sure-i-trust-you/
ReplyDeleteand maybe some of Kris’ earlier posts, and then tell me why an author would want to go the agent-trad publisher route. I believe it may work for a (awesomely small) few, but in general, why recommend that a person go this way?
Note: my mind’s pretty set, but that’s more because what I like to write would never be on trad publishing’s even long list, let alone short list, but I still like to be educated.
There are still benefits to going the traditional route. I'm quite pleased with what my agent has done (and continues to do) for me and my career. I'm pleased with what my editor has done and our working relationship. I'm also exploring indie options as well, as I think a hybrid author in today's market is a strong place to be.
DeleteEvery writer has to decide how they want their career to go, and if an agent/trad route isn't for them, they shouldn't pursue that route. I have friends who do each (and both), for all kinds of reasons. Some prefer to have total control over their careers, others prefer to let someone else handle the aspect they don't want to deal with, some like the feeling of being with a big house and fulfilling a lifelong dream. All of these options are good.
There are pros and cons to every publishing path. It all depends on what an individual author wants and needs.
Thank you for the reply. Personally, I see no benefit to accepting lower rates of return and loss of control of my work, but that’s because I’m willing (I can’t say happy, but willing) to do most of that work myself or through someone whose payment terms seem less onerous than do trad publishers.
DeleteBut as you say, to each their own. I wish you luck, but verify that your agent won’t take her 15% out of your indie work unless she does an equivalent amount of work.
Thanks again, I really appreciate it!
No problem :) There's a lot to consider no matter which route you take. If you find the trad route less appealing I certainly wouldn't suggest you trying it.
DeleteMy agent has a very nice a'la carte program for her clients who wish to self pub, and I decide how much or how little I'd like her to do. For me, it's well worth her 15% to handle things I flat out don't want to deal with, and she can get my work into venues I can't on my own. And if down the line I want to take control and do it all myself, I can. I'm fortunate to have an agent who's very forward thinking in this, and her job is to service her clients. Not all agents offer what she can, so that also makes a difference.
I had no problem with my trad pub deal, but I was paid exceedingly well for my work. Had I a less positive experience, I can easily see me feeling differently about it. And as a YA author, it makes more sense to go trad since younger readers aren't yet reading ebooks and it's nearly impossible to get into libraries as a self pub. My market is better served by trad publishing at this time, but another genre or market (such as romance) can do quite well as a self pub. For those authors, it can make much more sense to do it yourself.
I judge it on a per book basic going forward. Whatever makes the best business sense is the route I'll take. I have book ideas I know have a reader market, but a trad publisher won't be interested. Those are perfect projects for self pub'ing.
And of course, that's all just right now. In a year? Who knows what the right course will be.
ANother great blog to save for when I'm ready. You point out some I knew, and some I still need to consider. Thanks! And btw, I've been forwarding your blogs to members of my new writers' group in the VIllages and they're appreciating it!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Glad they're finding them useful :)