Friday, September 03, 2021

I’m Taking a September Break

By Janice Hardy, @Janice_Hardy

Everyone, I have some news.  

Things are a bit tough in the Hardy House right now, so I’m taking a month off from work. The blog will be quiet until October, and I won’t be doing my normal social media links or newsletters. Guest posts and critique diagnostics are on hold, and rescheduled for next month, but don’t worry, it’ll all be back soon. I still love you guys, and still love writing the blog. I just need some time to handle some “big life stuff.”

My husband was recently (and utterly out of the blue) diagnosed with cancer, and as you can imagine, writing is the last thing on my mind at the moment. This has all happened so fast and our heads are still spinning trying to process it. He started a month-long treatment yesterday, and I won’t have any extra focus or energy for all the things I usually do. Luckily, I can hit the pause button and take this break.

When life-changing events happen, it’s common to feel helpless and out of control, and want to do something, so I’m donating the proceeds of all September book sales to the Leukemia Research Foundation. Coincidentally, September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month, so I guess that’s good timing.

If you already have all my books, but still want to donate, here’s their website. And thanks for that. 

Thank you for understanding, and for all the support and kind words everyone has always given me. I’ve been writing this blog for thirteen years now, and many of you have been here from the start. I appreciate that more than you know.

See you all in October,


  1. Janice, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's cancer. I'll make a donation for sure. I hope he has a swift and complete recovery.

  2. I hope everything will work out in the end. May he have a complete recovery

  3. I'm really sorry, Janice. I send you all the good wishes I can!

  4. Words feel too small. Wishing you both well.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.

  6. I’m so very sorry to hear this news. I had a similar situation with my husband four months ago and it is definitely life changing, at least for a few months. I wish you peace and your husband a complete recovery. Healing prayers and thoughts coming your way.

  7. Hope the treatment sorts him out, Janice

  8. Prayers for your husband and for your family as you battle through this. My brother has Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and, following the "normal" rounds of treatments, he has been on a daily chemo pill for over a year and is fully able to work as a full-time self-employed handyman. Hoping your husband sees better days ahead, too!

  9. So sorry about this terrible shock. Glad you will take this time to adjust and help yourself, too, as caregiver. No need to have a timeline to return. My husband was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Prayers for all with sickness.

  10. I'm so very sorry to hear you and your family are going through some really tough stuff. My hubby was diagnosed with CLL over 10 years ago and overall, he's doing well. Just to give you a heads up - life expectancy and quality of life have increased, a lot! So hang in there! Hopefully, your guy will do well. Wishing you the best in your new big journey.

  11. My prayers are with you and your family.

  12. My prayers for your husband, you, and your family.

  13. Janice, I am sorry to hear of your husband’s diagnosis. I spent the last half of 2020 and the first half of 2021 fighting breast cancer so I can relate to you hitting the pause button. Sending you and your family healing wishes.
    Thank you for all you do for the writing community—your hard work is greatly appreciated.

  14. Janice, so terribly upset to hear about your husband's sudden diagnosis and wish him a swift, easy and full recovery. Stay strong during this difficult time. We're all rooting for you.

  15. So sorry to hear this. Good thoughts to you and your husband.

  16. Janice, praying for healing and peace.

  17. Such a tough thing to go through! Sending hugs and praying for your husband's recovery.

  18. I'm so sorry! Take all the time you need. (Hugs.)

  19. That is so hard! Saying a prayer now for your husband and for you.

  20. My prayers for you both and family.

  21. Janice, I will be praying for you and your husband. Cancer has affected our family and we know the turmoil it causes. May God strengthen you for this journey and may His healing be manifest in your husband.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear this. My prayers will be with you and your husband.

  23. So very sorry to hear your news, Janice. I am a new reader of your fantastic blog (and a new writer!) Sending love and best wishes from the UK to you and your husband.

  24. I'm so behind on updates right now, so just reading this. I am so very sorry and have added you and your husband to my prayer list. May you feel the support and prayers of your many readers. God bless you, Patti Jo Moore
