
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

If You're Looking for a Critique Group or Partner, Critique Connection is Now Open

By Janice Hardy, @Janice_Hardy

It's Critique Group Time Again! The 2021 Summer Session is now open!

Finding other writers to share work and critiques with isn't always easy, particularly for newer writers who often don't even know where to start looking. 

In 2013 I created "Janice Hardy's Critique Connection" to help such writers connect with like-minded folks looking for critique groups or partners. It was designed to help people find long-term, quality writing partners, not just places you can toss up your work and get quick feedback.

It went from a one-time event to annually, and now to every six months (I open it up every January and July). 

If you're looking to join or create a critique group, add more to your existing group, or find a critique partner, odds are you'll find someone here.

Just to be clear, I'm not personally critiquing anything in this group. This is for writers who are looking for critique partners or critique groups for more than just "I need some eyes on this before I submit it to an agent" type critiques. I'm solely a facilitator to help people connect without having to post their email addresses online, which some folks are hesitant to do.

How This Works

If you'd like to join the group, simply email me at janice @ janicehardy . com (remove the spaces), and briefly tell me what you write and what you're looking for (a group or a partner). 
For example: "I write science fiction and fantasy for teens and I'm looking for a critique group or a few partners to swap manuscripts with."
I'll send you an invitation to the group and add your information to the master list of members. You'll join and send a hello email, start talking to others and see who writes what and what everyone is looking for.

A heads up--I used to run this on Yahoo, which is now defunct. The new requires approval for all first-time members, so it might take up to a day for me to see the email and approve it. I have to approve them as they come in, so if you email after hours (typically 4pm EST on weekdays),  I won't see it until I get back to my desk in the morning. Thank you for your patience on this. It's a hassle, I know, but they're trying to prevent spammers. I have no control over it.

The Master Members List: There's a master list of members and what they write in the "Files" section of the group, and I update that daily as new people join and send me their information. Since the list has gotten huge over the years, there's now a "Previous Members" list, and it's okay to look there as well if you don't see a good match on this year's list. You can always ask if a past member is still looking.

This is all private and by invitation only, so random folks googling "crit groups" won't be barging in or anything. You can come and go as you please. 

Once you find fellow writers to work with, feel free to drop the group if you'd like. It might take a few days for people to sign up, so if it's quiet when you first join, be patient and more will appear. The first week or two is usually busy, and it slows down by week three as everyone matches up. It's always available for members (I don't close it), but it's usually only busy during January and July.

My Response Time: I send out the group invitations at the end of the day. If you don't get an immediate response from me, that's why. If you haven't gotten any response after two days, please email me again. I either missed it, or it didn't make it to me.

(Here's more on Finding the Right Critique Partners)

Interested in Starting Your Own Group?

One of the tougher parts of creating critique groups (aside from finding people to join) is finding a place to host it. Unless everyone is local, there's no central place for people to share their work.

I switched to last year from Yahoo. You can create you own group and invite people to join, have a forum and a site to upload work and critiques, and email the group as a whole. Everything is private and you can control who joins.

Ideally, people will join the Critique Connection group, hang out and meet compatible writers, then break off and form their own group. It's easy peasy to create one, and people can even leave a description of their group on the Critique Connection site if they're looking for more members. Of course, they're free to meet up however works for them as well. Partners could just email each other, for example.

(Here's more on The Benefits From Critiquing Are Not Just in the Feedback Given and Received)

Critique Commitments

If you've never been in a critique group before, it's good to know that there are commitments to be made. Each group sets its own rules, but for a group to work and run well, people need to adhere to those rules. For example, I've had groups that turned in X-words every X weeks for works in progress, and groups that read whole projects at once over a predetermined time frame depending on the size of the project (five days for short stories, three to five weeks for novels).

It's not a bad idea to think about what you want and how much time you can spend. A hard-core group that wants to submit a chapter a week won't work for someone who wants a once-a-month schedule. People looking for plotting and story development help for first drafts want different things than writers looking to polish finished drafts.

(Here's more on Harsh Does Not Equal Honest: Pick Your Beta Readers Carefully)

Plus, quality critiques take time. If it takes you two hours to critique a chapter, and your five-person group submits a chapter each every two weeks, that's twenty hours a month for the group. If that's a commitment you can't make, that's not the right group for you (and there's nothing wrong with that, everyone has different needs and available time).

(Here's more on Listen to Me: Putting Feedback to Good Use)

Going in prepared increases your chances of success. You deserve a group that suits your needs. 

So that's the deal. Anyone who'd like to find some fellow critiquers can let me know.


  1. I'm dithering here. I used to belong to two writing folios, years back -around 20078/ to 2011 - can't be more precise now. I had to give both up when my late husband needed 24/7 care and I was the only person available to provide it. He died in 2014. A very bad period followed this stressful time and it was 2017 before I felt ready to rejoin the human race again. I then met my present husband and, this year feel ready to return to my writing and art, I have a huge amount of old writing (all short stories) that I'm revisiting and editing.
    I have been published a few times in the past and have a couple of stories I am considering sending as competition entries, but seem to have lost my confidence. maybe it's an age problem, I'm 78 on the 15th of this month.
    I lean more to writing crime. Having said that I haven't had anything published in that field, but received very good feedback for all my writing from the main folio I belonged to, all of us had to show published work to the committee before being allowed to join, so I made the grade then.
    Do you think it would be worthwhile me trying to find a writing friend or group via this opportunity? I would be grateful for your input if you have the time.

    1. First, Happy Early Birthday!

      Second, yes, I think you'd find it worthwhile. There are all kinds of writers in this group, and many of them have similar writing experience to you. Getting feedback will likely help you with your confidence.

      It won't hurt to try it out. Hopefully you'll find a group or partner you can work with, but if not, there's always the next session in January. There's no real downside to giving it a chance :)

  2. I'm working on my first chapter of my first draft ever! I'm determined to write a 70,000 to 75,000 word historical romance book, but my confidence really lacks, and while I've self educated on writing technique (blogs, books), I feel lost sometimes and that's why my writing never advances. So, my questions are: 1.) Can I be this much of a novice writer and still find a match? 2.) Are there romance writers on the master list?
    Thank you for this opportunity! My determination is at an all time high, so this couldn't have come at a better time.

    1. Yes! There are plenty of writers who are just starting out in the group. There are 6 romance writers at the moment, and several of them write historical romance as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Whoops- I am looking for a group…

    1. Could you please email me with your info so I can invite you? Thanks!
