
Friday, December 01, 2017

Fiction University Has a New Critique Member!

By Janice Hardy, @Janice_Hardy

I’m delighted to announce that Maria D’Marco is joining the faculty here at Fiction University as a contributor. You’ll find her diagnosing the Real Life Diagnostics every other week with me, offering the same great feedback she’s been giving in the comments for a while now.

Maria is an editor with 20+ years experience. She specializes in developmental editing, and loves the process of wading through the raw, passionate words of a first draft. Currently based in Kansas City, she flirts with the idea of going mobile, pursuing her own writing and love of photography, while maintaining her fulfilling work with authors.

Please give her a warm welcome. Her first critique will be tomorrow.


  1. Cool. Another KC kid. I like it, being that I'm one myself.

  2. Welcome Maria! I’m a regular reader of Fiction U., my go to for solid writing articles! 🌷Christine

  3. Good to know. I'm making a list of editors for my next novel. This will allow me to get to know her.
