
Monday, December 12, 2016

Fun (And Useful) Gift Ideas for Writers

By Janice Hardy, @Janice_Hardy

The holiday season is upon us (and with Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa falling all about the same time, too), and friends and family are no doubt asking for gift ideas. It's easier for us to find gifts for our fellow writers (after all, we love anything writing related), but if you know some folks who need a little help, here's an idea guide you can send them.

While the more mundane gifts, such as a new laptop, iPad, or writing software, are handy to have, it's fun to add a few items that speak to the writer in all of us.

Here are some of my favorite must-haves for writers:

1. Fingerless Gloves

My hands get cold when I type, and these beauties keep me toasty. While perfect for the winter, I’ve also worn them when I write at a coffee shop. Some places keep the A/C pretty low. They’re also handy for conferences and conventions.

2. Aqua Notes

I discovered this gem at The Write Life, and ordered one immediately. I get so many ideas in the shower and half of them are lost by the time I’m done. Not anymore!

3. Funny Writer Mug

Wordplay is fun, and a chuckle when you get your hot beverage of choice every day puts a smile on your face. Happy writers makes for better stories.

4. Cool Bookshelves

Writers can never have enough bookshelf, or places to keep our notes and ideas. This swivel bookcase/cork board is perfect for any writing nook.

5. Creative Tote Bags

A fun tote is great for hauling your laptop and notebooks to your favorite writing spot. Not only does it help keep you organized, it lets other writers know you’re a kindred spirit—the perfect icebreaker for that, “Are you a writer?” question. You just might meet your next crit partner this way.

6. Writing Decorations

Part of being a writer is having your very own writing space. Personalize it to suit your style, with posters of your favorite book covers, to funny sayings or inspirational photos. It’s your space, so make it comfortable and muse-friendly.

7. Attendance at a Writer’s Conference

Say yes to that conference you’ve been wanting to go to and keep talking yourself out of. Coupons from the fam for a weekend without the kids, promises to hold the fort together while you’re gone, and wishes for you to have a good time all make great gifts.

8. Writing Books From Janice Hardy

Granted, I’m biased here (grin), but what writer doesn’t want helpful books on writing? From tips on planning a new novel to revising an old one, and revelations on that oh-so-annoying show, don’t tell issue, a colorful JHB (Janice Hardy book) is the gift that keeps on giving. Planning Your Novel: Ideas and Structure, a self-guided workshop for planning or revising a novel, the companion Planning Your Novel Workbook, Revising Your Novel: First Draft to Finished Draft, your step-by-step guide to revising a novel, and the first book in my Skill Builders Series, Understanding Show Don't Tell (And Really Getting It).

Have some fun this holiday season and embrace your writerness.

Share your gift ideas! What do you want? What have you gotten for other writers?

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