
Saturday, October 01, 2016

And the Winner of the Better Fiction Blog Tour September Critique Contest is...

We've reached the end of the first leg of the Better Fiction Blog Tour. Hard to believe it's been a month already. I'm happy to announce the winner of the August 10-page critique contest (by the magic of random numbers) is... 

Wendy Pearson

Congratulations, Wendy!

I've contacted you through email, so if you don't receive it, please let me know.

Don't worry folks! There's still one more chance to win a critique. Check out the full blog tour list for the schedule for October, plus any posts you might have missed from the August or September legs of the tour.


  1. I'm so excited! Thanks Janice for posting the results of the first 10-Page September Critique Contest! Thanks for contacting me by email. I'm working on sending this to you. Can't wait for your feedback.
