
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Writing Prompt: The Chain Story: It Starts With a Pencil

By Janice Hardy, @Janice_Hardy

This week’s prompt is a chain story! I’ll give you the first line, and someone else comments and builds off that line. Next commenter will build off that line, and so on.

In the event of two commenters posting at the same time and sending the story in different directions, just pick the line you like best, or try to incorporate both if you can.

Riley held the pencil like…

Let the fun begin.


  1. Riley held the pencil like a dead snake, pinching the eraser loosely between thumb and forefinger.

    1. He grabbed an evidence bag from his satchel, whipped it open and dropped the pencil in. He didn't have much hope in finding anything on it but procedure was procedure.

    2. He turned to the ME who was examining the bloody corpse. "You got any idea as to time of death?"

    3. "By the look of it, we missed the killer by less than an hour. I wouldn't be amazed if he was the one who reported it."
      "Well, he, she, who knows? The point is, your dead guy is newly dead", the ME said with a smile. "Can I pack him up or do you still need him?"

    4. Riley frowned at his partner. How could he smile and joke at a crime scene like this? He looked over to the corpse( cut up in all sorts of grotesque pieces) and then back at his partner who still had that disgusting grin plastered on his face.

      Riley absolutely hated the ME, at least that's what the ass-hole in front of him called himself. They've been working as partners for three years now and he still hadn't a clue what his real name was. He kept it closely secret and even somehow got the higher ups to refer to him as that fucking name.
      His personality was the worse, smiling and joking and being all sarcastic-like even in-front of the disfigured and violated bodies of the innocent taken by hands of the truly depraved scum of the earth.

      Riley glared at the ME. "Have a little respect why don't you?" He nearly hissed.

  2. Riley held the pencil like a knife clenched tightly in his fist, ready to strike.

    1. The large centipede on his desk seemed to pause for a second, as if it understood that the threat had increased, then reared its head in defiance.

  3. Riley held the pencil like a...the man stared at the computer screen, sighed heavily and pressed delete. He didn't know why he ever thought he could write a novel. Here he was on a weekend morning with the sun shining and he couldn't even write a sentence. God, why was Riley holding a pencil at all? Why wasn'it a pen like any normal human being.

  4. (not part of story) Why is everyone starting their own story rather than continuing from the first comment?

    1. Agreed. This chain story doesn't flow well because too many people started their own chains instead of continuing with what was already written.

  5. and then Riley died because he was playing with a sharp pencil. The end.

  6. But your mistake. Riley died. The pencil on the other hand was very much alive and very much filled with hatred.

  7. his life depended on what he could write

  8. Riley held the pencil like a toddler, the cast making it impossible to write the most important letter of his life.
