
Sunday, November 01, 2015

Writing Prompt: The Challenge: Turn Off Your Editor’s Brain

By Janice Hardy, @Janice_Hardy

This week’s prompt aims to challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone. It’s designed to push your creative boundaries and stretch those artistic wings.

Since today is the start of National Novel Writing Month, let’s do something to challenge our productivity.

Raise your word count.

Set a timer and write for ten minutes (or thirty minutes if you want a little more time). Check your word count at the end, then set the timer for another ten (or thirty) minutes and try to beat it by at least 50%. Then do it again. Keep going for as long as you can (or want).

The goal here is to turn off your editor’s brain and just write. Don’t worry about typos or polish, just let the story flow from your brain to your fingers and let the muse take you.

If you need a prompt to get started try one of these:
  • Describe a perfect date between your two romantic leads
  • Write the worst thing that ever happened to your protagonist
  • Continue this sentence: “Don’t make me choose—please.”

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