
Monday, May 19, 2014

Win a 100-Page Critique From Janice Hardy

By Janice Hardy, @Janice Hardy

For the last four years I've participated in the Brenda Novak online auction for Diabetes research. This is a fantastic charity where writers, literary folk, and others donate time, prizes, and other goodies to help out a worthy cause.

This year, up for bids is a 100-page critique from me.

There's no time limit to when you can submit your pages and no genre or market requirements. If you're a regular follower of the blog, you have a pretty good idea of what my critique style is like from the weekly Real Life Diagnostics, and I give these charity critiques my full attention and really dig in. I'm happy to answer questions and discuss your critique after as well (I never crit and run).

There's also a ton of other items up for bid, including a slew of terrific things just for writers, so head on over and take a peek!


  1. Wow! Someone is going to be SO lucky.

  2. My son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a few years ago. Thanks for your kind donation to this cause!

  3. Thanks guys. It's such a great cause and she raises so much every year. It's heart-warming how generous everyone on both sides of the bidding is.
