
Thursday, February 09, 2012

We're All Heroes. A Thanks From Me, and a Treat for You ( involves a crit)

On Monday, I was deeply honored (and touched, and moved) by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi over at The Bookshelf Muse. They have a wonderful series called "Writing Heroes," and I made the list.

It was totally unexpected and very appreciated. The congratulatory comments have made me a little misty-eyed more than once this week. There's a reason the writing community rocks, and this is a great example of how everyone is so supportive of each other. This means more to me than I can say, and I thank Angela and Becca with all my heart, and thank all my readers. I started this blog to help my fellow writers, and to hear it has is beyond rewarding. It makes writing the blog easy, even when it's hard.

One thing the Muses include with this honor is a free 1000-word critique for the hero by Angela and Becca. The hero can either use it or give it away.

To continue paying it forward, I'm giving away my critique to one lucky blog reader. I'm also adding a 1000-word critique from me to a second winner. Just leave a comment to be eligible for the random drawings and I'll pick two winners next Thursday morning (so let's say comments must be in by 6am EST).

Thank you all so much for this.


  1. I have nothing worth critiquing at the moment, so feel free to discount this comment, but this would be such a fantastic prize if I ever had something I could share without huge embarassment. Your blog would be about 99% of the reason behind the novel getting into any kind of shape, so having you critique it would be a huge honour.

    Congrats on making the list, Janice, and good luck to all the entrants!

  2. I am ineligible for the drawings, but I just wanted to say congrats, Hero! ;-) Your blog is one of the very best out there.

  3. Congrats! That's brilliant and totally deserved. The content on your blog and the advice you give is always spot on! And I would love to be entered for the critique giveaway.

  4. Your blog is my favorite and offers such great advice in a fun, really clear way. Love your examples with zombies and Bob. I'd love to win a critique. heathercq(at)comcast(dot)net. Thanks. And congratulations, Janice!

  5. I LOVE your blog. I VERY often send your post links out into the Twitterverse so others may benefit from you wisdom as much as I have. Hooray for the contest!! Pick me! Pick me!

  6. You know I'm jumping in for this one! And congratulations, you've long been my writing hero, Janice :)

  7. You don't have to include me in the draw, but you're definitely one of my writing heroes!

  8. Ooo...can the 1000-word critique be of anything besides the beginning. I already have that part being critiqued this weekend.

    Congratulations, though! I'm sure two lucky writes will be grateful for these critiques.

  9. Congratulations and also a big thank you for your generosity! Your blog posts come into my reader and they are always a must-read and so I was not surprised when I saw that they had honored you.

    *humbly raising hand for drawing*

  10. Congrats, Janice - you really are a Hero! Not only are your posts incredibly helpful/informative, but you've helped me personally a few times with your Real Life Diagnostics. I'd love to win a critique as well, of course :)

  11. Congratulations! It's not surprising. Your writing posts are so thoughtful and instructive. I know tons of people that follow them religiously. And your tenacity in achieving your writing dream is inspiring, too.

    Would love to win a critique.

  12. Congratulations Janice! You absolutely deserve it!
    When I was in college, I only took the basic composition classes as I had no intention of ever becoming a writer. When I started getting serious about writing, I thought I was pretty darn good. Your blog (and Real Life Diagnostics) helped cure me of my hubris. I have come such a long way in the past year and a half. Thank you, thank you! You have helped me learn more about the writing craft than any other source out there. I get so much from reading your posts (ev-er-y-daaay)!
    I would looove to be entered in the drawing!
    But even if I don't get picked, I want to thank you for all you've taught me. Thank you Professor!

  13. "Pick me! Pick me!" Seriously, TOSOTS has to be my favorite blog. I wish you would buckle down and put all your insights in a "How-to" for the rest of us dreamers.

  14. Congrats Janice! As soon as I saw you listed at "The Muse," I knew I had to jump in with my own thanks. Your blog is truly fantastic. The amount of detail and advice you put into each post is so, so valuable to me (and I imagine everyone else too!). I'd love a chance to get a critique from you. Even if not, your blog's already helped me become a better writer. Thanks so much!!

  15. Janice, you provide some of the best writing advice around. Your blog and your generous spirit are both special. I'd love to win a crit.

  16. You, Angela, and Becca are three of the very best!

  17. Congratulations! You deserve to be on that list. I know you've been a great encouragement to me.

    I would love to win one of the critiques. I even have 1000 words of a new wip. :)

    PS, I miss my computer. Did you know that the word verification won't work on the kindle fire? Everytime I did it I would get a new word. Good thing I have nice neighbors.

  18. Oh, I HAD to jump in with congrats for you, Janice! I'm so glad you received honors for your super hero talents! ;-)

  19. You deserve it! I saw that yesterday and smiled. You work so hard on this blog and we appreciate it. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent looking through the archives already.

    Don't count this comment towards a critique. I am editing, but it's going to be a while before I have anything ready and I already have a crit from you on the back burner, so let someone else benefit from your wonderful expertise!

  20. Congrats! You and your blog deserve it-- you're one of my daily "must reads!" I'd love to be entered for the critiques. Thanks for all you do for fellow writers!

  21. Congratulations, Janice. You totally deserve it. I get more useful information from your blog than any other blog I follow (over 200 by now - no wonder I can't get any writing done!) Your blog was the first one I added to my blogroll.

    Now start working on that book explaining showing vs telling.

  22. Your blog is amazing, Janice -- I wasn't surprised to see you honored at all, though I was happy; you deserve it.

  23. Of course we profiled you, Janice! You're awesome! Look at all the people who you have helped!

    The best thing I love about these Hero posts are all the comments. It is great to have a way for everyone to say thanks and show their appreciation. Writers like you make the world go round, and smooth our the writing path. We all appreciate everything you do and give. :)

    Have a great week, everyone!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  24. Thanks so much! I'm a newer follower but I love your blog!

  25. Elizabeth Dunn2/09/2012 11:44 AM

    Great news Janice and totally deserved. I've been following you for two years now and still love everything you do.

  26. *throws confetti* I can't think of a better author to highlight! Thanks for your wonderful blog and words of encouragement. Keep basking, my friend. It's well deserved praise. You rock!

  27. gruud.squinteye@gmail.com2/09/2012 12:01 PM

    I hope you don’t mind my using an email address. I never comment on blogs (except occasionally at Black Gate) so don’t really have a handy identity to use.

    As someone who peruses quite a few writerly advice type blogs, I can honestly say that yours is one of the best.

    You bring a fresh, more intuitive perspective to many of the topics you post on.

    I only found your blog a few months ago, but have gone back through many months of your posts, then made my way through your side bar categories , and I’ve found many helpful tips so far.

    My favorites are your posts about narrative distance and POV, which is something I still struggle with a bit. But that’s for draft two, right? :)

    I’ve never had anyone critique my work, so having one done by a professional would really be a treat.

    My biggest problem would be choosing the 1000 words. I have over 150,000 of them so far. ;-)

    BTW, this is a private critique, right? 0.o

  28. Wonderful news! I tell all my writer friends (and anyone else who will listen) about this blog and how much it has helped me through all stages of my writing. Thanks for all your help, and keep up the good work!

  29. Your blog rocks--I've starred more posts from you than anyone else. Thanks for sharing all your insight!

  30. Congrats on being a Writing Hero! I am more of a scribbling sub or ghosting hoagie.

  31. Congratulations! You deserve being a writing hero! :) (You're definitely at the top of my list.)

    Enjoy the experience. :)

  32. Janice, you are awesome. Your posts of some of the most helpful posts on writing I've ever found. THANK YOU for your time in helping the rest of us. :)

  33. Would love the chance to win a critique! I'm so glad that Angela and Becca honored you as a hero - I'm discovered an absolute goldmine here in your blog!!

  34. Congrats! Much deserved - your blog is a life line to me: a bible of writing. I've got it booked marked and constantly refer to it. I cannot even begin to say how much you helped me on my Synopsis. Amazing!

    Thank you for it - I should say it more often to people who really have given me such valuable advice.

  35. Congrats Janice. You know I think you're awesome and I love all your writing tips.

    I'd love to win a critique.

  36. Thanks so much everyone! I seriously need more tissues now :) It's been a bit of a bad day, and these comments are helping me get through it. You guys are awesome.

    C0, any 1000 words you want.

    Chemist Ken, it's on the list!

    Angela, indeed. They've been amazing and I feel so blessed to be part of it.

    Gruud, no problem! And yes, the critiques will be private.

  37. You so deserve being a writing hero. Your blog is the first place I go to for inspiration when I have a writing problem and I'm always recommending you to my writing buddies.

  38. Congrats! You deserve it! I would love a critque from you.

  39. Well deserved, Janice. You are a writing hero. I've gleaned so much helpful info from your blog. You have helped me understand scenes and better develop them in my work -- among many other things learned. I'd love a critique. What a wonderful offer. Hope your day gets better.

  40. Congratulations, Janice. And so well deserved! I love waking up to your blog emails, and I think to myself (in awe), how does she think of a new subject every day!
    Yes, I'd love to be in the draw.
    Best wishes!

  41. I have nothing to critique at the moment, but congratulation, Janice, you really are my writing hero and an incredible teacher.

  42. That is wonderful news about making the list! You certainly deserve it for all your hard work. I know I certainly read all your posts and find them helpful in improving my writing.

    I would like a critique, so you can put me in the drawing :)

  43. Congrats! You deserve it for all the time you put in creating this amazing resource for writers.

  44. Congrats and thanks for paying it forward! Your blog has helped me fix all sorts of problems in my novel so I'm not surprised that you were named a writing hero!

  45. Congrats, that is a lovely and deserved honor. This blog has made my writing life a million times easier. :)

  46. Mary Jo Caffrey2/09/2012 4:47 PM

    Congratulations, Janice.

    It takes a Bookshelf Muse to know one!

    I'm one of your new, grateful followers thanks to them.
    It's an honor to be here.

  47. Congratulations again for the honor of being a 'Writing Hero!' You definitely deserve it! Your posts are extremely helpful. If I were to go through my blog book that has print-outs of the best writing tips, you'd find that almost 50% of those print-outs are from your blog. :)

  48. Congrats! You certainly deserve. I suspect you've helped a lot of aspiring authors out there, and I know I've personally found the information you provide to be insanely helpful. :-)

  49. Congratulations! And I'd love to be entered to win a critique. :)

  50. I do not need a critique right now either (I'm in the middle of working with an editor), but I could give it away. I love this pay it forward attitude! It's one of my very favorites.

  51. Crngratulations! That's so cool! And I think well deserved, for your blog posts are awesome! I read them all the time. And giving away your critique, plus another one is SUPER sweet of you! I'd love to be entered in the drawing myself. :) Congratulations once again!

  52. This is SO well-deserved! And you know what? I feel horrible! I meant to give my critique away on my blog, and didn't think to do it until I saw your post. Thanks so much for helping the writing community!

  53. Congrats! You totally deserve it!

  54. Oh, that is SO great! Many congrats to you on that honor. No wonder you're misty-eyed! And so sweet of you to pass on the joy with a critique/s. I always appreciate your informative posts!

  55. Congrats! I've already learned so much from your blog and I haven't been following long.

  56. Congrats! You deserve it. I don't have time to read a lot of blogs, but this is one I go to daily.

  57. Congratulations! Your blog is one I read often. Thanks for helping me to hone my craft as a new writer. Thanks for paying it forward, too! Offering your writing crits to others is very generous.

  58. Since discovering this blog a few weeks ago, I have been devouring the entries. Thank you for making some complex issues clear, Janice. You deserve your success.

    I would be delighted to receive a crit from you, and hope my comment has made it within the time limit.

  59. :))) Congratulations! And thank you so much for the opportunity to win a critique; that's very thoughtful. I have material that I really need another eye on, so I'd love the opportunity to win a critique!

  60. I'm not surprised and I'm glad you're getting the love! :) e

  61. Oops, might have missed the deadline (5 a.m. in the west coast?) but just commenting anyway to thank you for all your generosity - truly I don't see how you have time to blog such great articles and write your amazing books how? huh? xo!

  62. Congratulations -- a well-deserved honour. You're definitely one of my writing heroes.

  63. You deserve this so much! Your blog helps me all the time, usually it seems you know exactly what I need. Your blog is one of the few I visit almost everyday before I dive into my precious writing time.

    Thank you for all you do!


  64. YOU have an amazing blog! Thank you so much for paying it forward!!

  65. Yeah! congrats! Very well deserved. I have learned so very much from your blog!

  66. Yeah! congrats! Very well deserved. I have learned so very much from your blog!

  67. Congratulations Janice! I knew sooner or later they would give you "Hero" status. A very well deserved award! Keep up the awesome work you do for all of us!

  68. Congratulations! I read the blog religiously, though I haven't commented, and I completely agree. You are a hero! I would love to have the opening 1000 words of my WIP critiqued. Thanks so much!

  69. I always star the best posts on fiction writing in Google Reader so I can refer to them later. A few days ago, I printed and reread them -- and more than half of them were yours! Congratulations on the award, and thanks for keeping such a thoughtful and well-designed blog.

  70. Congratulations, Janice! Your blog has been so helpful, and you definitely deserve the recognition. Also, I'd love to be entered for a chance at a critique. Thank you!

  71. Congrats! You most certainly deserve it - I have found your blog to be so helpful. I'd jump at the chance for a critique! Thanks for paying it forward!
