
Monday, February 06, 2012

Do You Like Blood, Bullets, and Sexy Bounty Hunters? Me Too!

I just found out author James R. Tuck is going to be at FoxTale Book Shoppe tomorrow night celebrating the release of his debut novel, Blood and Bullets. (I will totally be there) 

I was on two panels with JT a few months ago at the Dahlonega Literary Festival, so I'm looking forward to reading his book after hearing about it. You'll get to hear more tomorrow, as JT is this week's guest author. I just wanted to pop in early and give everyone in the Atlanta area a heads up in case they wanted to come down and join in the fun.(And book launches are always fun at FoxTale)

Here's the info:
FoxTale Book Shoppe
105 E. Main St., #138
Woodstock, GA 30188
Starts at 7:00


  1. Sounds fabulous - if only I weren't stuck in another hemisphere! hehe

  2. True, these events always sound cool.

    But, I'm stuck in Australia!

  3. Aw :( When are they going to invent our teleporters so we can do all the fun things we hear about?
