
Friday, January 20, 2012

Double the Fun! Adverbs at The Writers Bureau, and a Chance at a 100 Page Critique

Today is a busy day, with lots going on. First up is a road trip over to The Writers Bureau to discuss how adverbs aren't your enemy. They can even help your writing. No, seriously, they can, so come find out how.

Next, is a chance to bid on a 100 page manuscript critique from yours truly over at Write Dreams. This charity is raising money to help rebuild Donna’s Dream House, a holiday home for children and teenagers with life-threatening or terminal illnesses. The Dream House is run completely by volunteers and since it's start, it's hosted and helped almost 380 families.

On Wednesday, December 21, 2011, arsonists broke into the office building and adjacent health center. There they stole essential computer equipment and damaged the suite, before setting fire to the furniture. When the fire was discovered, it was almost too late. The building was so badly damaged that it may have to be rebuilt completely. Write Dreams is raising money to help do that.

There are plenty of great items to bid on, so even if you're not interested in a critique from me, head on over and see how else you might be able to help out. It's for a great cause.


  1. Shame I don't have a lot of money on hand. At least I won a twenty-page critique last month.

    But I hope they raise lots of money.

  2. For some reason, it won't let me comment on that adverbs article. It keeps saying [Blocked by CFC].

    But I'm adding it to my weekly round-up anyways.

  3. I got the same error. Hopefully it's temporary. And thanks!

  4. Janice, what are the rules (roughly) for the critique? I'm essentially looking for a deadline for submitting the book. I would LOVE for you to critique my ms, but I have a major rewrite ahead of me, and I don't think I'd have it ready real soon.

    So when would the deadline be for the submission from the winner, and do you have a word count limit in mind for the critique?

    Thanks so much!

    -- Amy

  5. Amy, no time limit, you can send it when you're ready. 100 pages, double spaced, standard page format. That's roughly 20-25K words if you use the 250 per page general rule. I'm fine with a few pages over or under that to finish a scene or chapter.
