
Friday, December 16, 2011

May I Be Needy Again? Thanks!

I feel a little guilty doing this twice so close together, but it's that time of year and it never hurts to ask, right? Writer's Digest is currently accepting nominations for the 101 Best Websites for writers. To nominate someone, all you have to do is:

Send an email to:

Put 101 Best Websites nomination in the subject line

Write a brief note asking for WD to consider the site for inclusion in the 101 Best Websites list and make sure to provide both the NAME of the blog/site, as well as the URL. (For example, if you wanted to nominate me, you'd just say: Janice Hardy's The Other Side of the Story at

The deadline for nominations is January 1st, and winners are announced in June.

There are so many wonderful blogs and sites out there, so I urge you to nominate the one you find the most helpful and feel deserves to be recognized.

On an unrelated note, I finished the draft of my current WIP yesterday (huge happy dance of joy) and it has been sent off to the crit group for shredding um, critique. Regular focus should resume on the blog now that that sucker's out of my hair. I appreciate everyone's understanding and patience the last few weeks while I wrapped that up.

Over the next few weeks I'll be turning my attention to the blog some to do some tweaks and make it more user-friendly after seeing it in action for ten months. (Don't worry, nothing major, just improving what's here) I'll have a more comprehensive post on that next week, but if you've ever thought, "Gee I wish she'd do X," now's the time to let me know (grin).


  1. DONE chickee!!! And my pleasure. Thanks for all the wonderful advice you share! :) e

  2. Off to do this right now. Your blog is fantastic.

  3. Done! Love your site! Thanks for what you do here!

  4. I'm going to do that next. Your blog is definitely one of my favorites - probably my most favorite. You explain so much, so well.

    I have a question. Can you recommend a good book on showing vs telling? I still have so much trouble with recognizing telling. I keep thinking I'm getting there, then I run into supposedly a bad example of telling and I just don't see why it's telling. For example, back in January you gave the following example of telling from one of your earlier drafts:

    "He paused to run his hand through his hair." (or something very close to that)

    Why is that telling? If you had written it as: "He paused and ran his hand through his hair," would that still be telling?

    Hopelessly Confused.

  5. Done and done. And there's certainly no reason to feel guilty about asking. You provide so much helpful advice every week, and ask for nothing else in return. It's the least we can do!

  6. I agree with Jo. I'm new to your blog, but after hearing you speak at WIK I've included your blog in my list of regular stops. I learn so much and appreciate all the great info here. In fact, I blogged about you not to long ago on my list of five writer-ly things to be thankful for! I'll definitely nominate you. Best of luck!

  7. Thanks so much guys, I really appreciate it. I've dreamed of making that list since I started the blog. (sheepish grin)

    Ken, I haven't seen any decent books on it sadly (one reason why I keep saying I need to write one)

    The "to run" vs "and ran" are about the most basic example I use for that. "to run" implies motive. You're telling the reader WHY the character paused. "and ran" shows the action and readers can guess (and see) what the character does by watching him do it.

    Things that tell usually fall into explanation of things that can't be understood by being observed. If you have to explain someone's motive, (and it's not internalization in the character's voice) there's a decent chance you're telling.

    One trick I use is to see what you can physically act out. You can " pause and run you hands though your hair" but try to "pause TO run your hands..." Act out the *decision* to act. You can't. An outside observer just sees you pause, then they'd see you run your hand through your hair.

    Does that help clear it up any?

  8. Done! I've been reading your blog on and off for a while now and it's helped me more then my creative writing classes at college! Thanks a million!

  9. Done. Your blog has been very informative, and hopefully we're able to help your site get listed. :-)

  10. I was just wondering when the nominations for the 101 Best Websites went up! You definitely deserve it!

    Email sent.

  11. Done! I just discovered your blog and love it. Thanks for all the hard work.

  12. Done, and I was happy to do it! I don't comment often because your posts are so comprehensive and full of such detailed information I often feel intimidated - lol.

    Hope you get on it.

  13. Thanks, Janice. I thought that might be the reason, but I just wanted to make sure. I appreciate all the time you put into teaching us about writing.

  14. Done--I hope you win!


    Have a wonderful Christmas. And whether you hit the top 101 or not, we all know you're the best of the best! :)

  15. Thanks guys :) Such great morale boosters for my blue days!

  16. Done, my friend! You know I think you're awesome!

    And as others have mentioned, don't feel bad about bringing it up. I *want* to help you, so thank you for letting me know of this opportunity. :) *hugs*

  17. I'm late reading this, but not too late to nominate. :-)

    And congrats on your finished draft!
