
Monday, August 22, 2011

And the Winner of the Darkfall ARC is...

First off, let me say how flattered and thrilled I am to see how many folks left a comment to win the Darkfall ARC. It makes me pretty darn happy to know you guys want to see how Nya's story ends. If I had 50 copies to give away, I would, but I only get so many.

There will be a second contest on September 5th (winner announced September 12th), and anyone who happens to be in the Woodstock, GA area on September 24th can attend the launch party and buy the book before it's official release date on October 4th. (more details on that soon) I also imagine there will be reviewers giving away their copies of the ARC as well, though I don't know any specifically right now.  (but it's happened with the other two)

So, without further ado (okay, maybe a little ado), here is the randomly generated number-winner:


Congrats and way to go. E-mail me your contact info a janice at janicehardy dot com and I'll send out the ARC.

If Brittany vanishes off the face of the Earth and I can't get in contact with her (it happens) I'll choose another number and contact that person.

Thanks to everyone who entered!


  1. Launch Party! *drools* I will request off work NOW!

    The only problem with buying the book at the party (which I am so going to do, because I need to know what happens) is then I will be tempted to read it right there. :D

  2. I need to go pre-order a copy on Amazon.

  3. Ah! Your launch party is on my birthday! Unfortunately, my truck is feeling a little under the weather (half of the engine is in the bed right now) so I won't be able to make it to this one :-(

  4. Ooh, thanks Janice! I'm so excited to read it! :) And I'll go e-mail you my contact info.

  5. Great cover! I'll bring Hannah (my daughter who loved The Shifter). Looking forward to your launch party.

  6. Congratulations Brittany. The launch party sounds great. Pity I'm several states away.

  7. Congrats to the winner. Wish I lived close enough to go to the release party.

    I'll sadly be gving away my ARC ehen I interview you in October. I loved the book!

  8. No, thank you... and congrats to the winner!
